B2B Write Now | Past, Present, Future

The year is racing to a close, and each day seems to pass more quickly than the one before it.

Some of you are, I hope, taking time off during this holiday season to relax, renew and refresh before 2012 arrives with its challenges and opportunities.

Others are in the office, focused on wrapping up the old year and preparing for the new one.

If you've visited this site in the past, you’ve undoubtedly noticed fresh content is posted twice a week. That pattern will continue throughout the remaining holiday season.

In terms of the present, tomorrow we’ll do a follow up to Sales | Do Videos Really Add Value? and Thursday we’ll highlight some promising things happening in education.

Like all of you, I'm also focused on the future, which includes creating a blog plan for B2B Write Now in 2012.

That plan includes more reader surveys to tap into challenges and trends, some new white papers, and articles about current B2B issues and practical marketing, sales and content strategies to help you boost revenues, results and brand recognition.


B2B Blogs | 1. Do You Have a Plan?
Sales | Sometimes Videos Do Add Value
Education | 15,000 Reasons to Succeed
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