Here are seven fast facts that provide food for thought, and five simple changes you can make to more effectively use your B2B blog.
In 2010, HiveFire conducted a survey of more than 100 companies regarding B2B blogs. This is what they found.
7 Fast Facts
- 44% do not have a blog
- 70% have social media as part of their marketing plans
- 26% claim delivering custom content is their greatest marketing challenge
- 30% publish less than once a month
- 60% of those who surface most frequently in search results have some type of blog plan
- 75% say site visitors come seeking custom content
- More than one third say they're not viewed as thought leaders in their industry
5 Simple Changes
What do these facts tell us? You'll find your own gems, but there are five simple changes you can translate into immediate action.
What do these facts tell us? You'll find your own gems, but there are five simple changes you can translate into immediate action.
- If you don't have a B2B blog, consider starting a simple one. That single action puts you ahead of nearly half of all businesses and many of your competitors.
- If you're an erratic or infrequent poster, simply up your publishing frequency to twice a month and you're outperforming one out of every three B2B blogs.
- Since three out of four visitors are seeking custom content, focus on providing fresh, targeted content to attract more traffic.
- If you haven't done so, create a basic B2B blog plan to increase structure, discipline and your online findability factor.
- Unlike the stats above, we find most businesses say providing meaningful content to prospects and customers is an ongoing challenge, so use your blog to meet this challenge.
Bottom Line
These five steps will help turn your B2B blog into an active marketing venue. Try them and see what happens. Keep in mind that some surveys have found B2B blogs are the most affordable and effective means for finding qualified prospects who are ready to buy. (Hint: Give it time.)
On one hand, if your B2B blog is directly tied to revenue generation, it will be easy to track the impact of a more focused, diligent strategy. On the other hand, most B2B blogs are used for marketing and brand building, not direct selling.
Increase your online presence through more frequent, content-rich posts, and you're distinguishing yourself from your competition and boosting your online findability factor. What are you waiting for?
B2B Blogs | 6 Critical ConsiderationsB2B Blogs | Find Your Frequency
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