The last time I checked the MFG DAY website, more than 1300 events were being sponsored by manufacturers in 49 of the 50 states. (Alaska was the only one that had no manufacturing events scheduled.)
As many of you know, I've spent quite a few years researching and writing for, by and about manufacturing trends, technologies, processes and challenges. You also know about some of the work Crossbridge has done regarding manufacturing careers and STEM education.
If you can't see the importance of manufacturing to your daily life, regional vitality or our national economy, take a closer look. If you believe manufacturing is as outdated as a dinosaur, take a closer look. If you're trying to figure out what to major in at college, take a closer look. If you're considering a career change, take a closer look.
Mark your calendar and sign up now for a nearby event. Manufacturing Day is a great way to take a fresh look at modern manufacturing. You'll discover a fascinating world inhabited by makers, doers and innovators.
Could We Make It in America?
Should We Make It in America?
Will We Make It in America?