Before & After | The Role of Finance

Who doesn’t love to read about finance and its role in the business landscape? Add popcorn and a sugary drink, and it’s the next best thing to movie night.

This Before example illustrates all the excitement, drama and clarity that characterize every facet of business finance. When you read it, you want to weep.

Are they tears of joy? Tears of pain?

You decide.

The role of finance, particularly in the areas of scorekeeping and capital allocation, is all pervasive and impacts on the managerial discretion of nonfinance activities. All managers must develop an understanding of the objectives, tools, and functions of finance. Lacking such an understanding, they will not be in a position to contribute effectively to and utilize the results of financial analyses undertaken on behalf of their activities. Word count: 67
Finance affects management decision-making, even in nonfinance arenas. All managers must understand the objectives, tools and functions of finance. Without this understanding, managers won’t be able to effectively contribute to or utilize financial analyses created for them. Word count: 37 (45% reduction)
If you enjoyed this, be sure to read Before & After | The Language of Business. It features equally exciting bizspeak related to finance. (Try to contain your excitement.)

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