Lean Writer | The Five Cs for Crisp Content

Every communicator has some version of the five Cs for effective communications. Not long ago this topic came up in a casual conversation, and I was asked to name my five Cs.

Here's my response.

The 5 Cs for Crisp Content

1. Clear
Clarity is crucial. Use the simplest, most direct language possible and explain anything that might confuse your intended audience.

2. Concise
Less is more. Provide all the essential information and nothing more.

3. Cohesive
Solid content matters. No matter what topic you're tackling, the information should be relevant, closely connected to the topic at hand and presented in a consistent manner.

4. Contextual
Frame of reference counts. Communication doesn't occur in a vacuum, so whether you're writing or speaking, it's important to understand your audience and tailor your message to their experience, knowledge, needs, environment and viewpoint.

5. Correct
Accuracy is paramount. From words and data to punctuation and grammar, every aspect must be as accurate as you can make it. No exceptions.

That's it. If you want to hone your skills as a communicator and produce content that's crisp, tight and effective, you can't go wrong if you focus on the 5 Cs.

For examples, see Before & After.

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