Questions about "Qwality"

Recently, a client asked for feedback on a program devoted to quality in business and education.

We talked for awhile, because I wanted to be certain I understood my client’s interest and point of view. Then, I visited the website to learn more.

The program is quite reputable. The website, however, raised some nagging questions about quality.

Speaking not-so hypothetically, what would you think if:
The stated mission is quality, but every single web page contains errors?
Mistakes are basic and blatant, ranging from typos and misspelled words to grammar errors, conflicting dates and contradictory information?
Those errors appeared in a print brochure? Are errors less important and more acceptable online rather than in print?
The website was an academic assignment? How would you grade it?
The website was a business proposal? Would you do business with that company?

The website provided some important answers and raised more than a few questions about "qwality."

Does quality still matter? You tell me.
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