Industry. Lose no time; be always employ’d in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. BEN FRANKLIN
When Ben Franklin decided that it was not just possible but
desirable to seek perfection, he drafted a list of 13 virtues.
These virtues or behaviors defined the scope of his
personal self-improvement program.
Industry is virtue number six. To Ben, industry was a verb, an action not an entity, and throughout his life, he practiced his own advice.
When he was not working, he was writing. When he was not writing, he was studying French, Italian,
Spanish and Latin. When he was not
studying, he was founding
hospitals and fire brigades to serve the community. When he was not serving his community, he was inventing. When he was not inventing, he was detailing plans for the union
of the American colonies, shaping the Declaration of Independence, and helping
to craft the Constitution.
The list goes on and on, until he retires from public life
at the age of 82. He didn’t achieve his original goal of perfection, but he
certainly mastered industry.
Reread his definition. Notice how simple, clear and precise
it is? In 14 words, he captured the
essence of today’s Total Quality and Lean improvement efforts.
Lose no time. Focus on producing useful things.
Eliminate wasteful action.
We can learn from Ben. Be industrious.
Lean (all articles)
Strategy | What's the Value of Clarity?
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: 1706-1757
Strategy | What's the Value of Clarity?
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: 1706-1757