A Brand New Year

It's time to welcome a brand new year filled with promise and opportunity.

This means it's once again time to update the copyright statements on your website and blog.

Why bother? Updating your copyright statement:
  • Boosts your search engine rankings
  • Improves your online findability
  • Informs customers, vendors and prospects you’re current and up to date
  • Confirms you’re still actively engaged in your business
  • Demonstrates you diligently manage your online presence
It does something else as well. It indicates you're paying attention to and staying on top of little as well as big things. This sends a powerful message to  existing and potential customers, advertisers, supporters and yes, search engines.

Remember using specific dates in your copyright statement tends to improve your search engine rankings. Why? Some engines actively search for current dates (2015) rather than sweeping statements (copyrighted from 2010 to present). The general statement is easier and requires no additional attention, but it also does little to positively affect your online rankings.

Do it now, while you're thinking about it. Otherwise, it will get lost in the flurry of tasks that accompany this time of year.

Happy New Year one and all!

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